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Springer Protocols:肿瘤微环境中的细胞外膜泡的分析方法


Al-Nedawi, K. and J. Read (2016). "Analysis of Extracellular Vesicles in the Tumor Microenvironment." Methods Mol Biol 1458: 195-202.
Extracellular vesicles (ECV) are membrane compartments shed from all types of cells in various physiological and pathological states. In recent years, ECV have gained an increasing interest from the scientific community for their role as an intercellular communicator that plays important roles in modifying the tumor microenvironment. Multiple techniques have been established to collect ECV from conditioned media of cell culture or physiological fluids. The gold standard methodology is differential centrifugation. Although alternative techniques exist to collect ECV, these techniques have not proven suitable as a substitution for the ultracentrifugation procedure.


外泌体资讯网 Springer Protocols:肿瘤微环境中的细胞外膜泡的分析方法

