首页研究免疫 › 肥爸胖儿—想让孩子摆脱胖子的命运么?该减肥了亲




近期,Cell Metabolism 报道了Donkin等人的新研究发现。他们发现父亲肥胖对其精子表观遗传修饰的影响可能会影响后代的代谢及肥胖风险。该研究小组寻找并对比了13例身材较瘦并且具有葡萄糖耐受能力的人与10例身材肥胖病并伴有胰岛素抵抗的人的精子之间的表观遗传差异,发现包括非编码小RNA的表达和DNA甲基化模式在内的9000多个基因存在差异。为了研究减肥对精子表观遗传修饰的影响,该研究组对六例病态肥胖的男性的精子在减肥手术前、手术后1周,1年后 DNA甲基化模式的变化进行了分析。他们看到,与相比术前,术后一周内有1500个基因的变化,一年后,有超过3900个基因表观修饰发生变化。而这些变化的基因很多是与之前胖瘦对比研究结果中的差异基因相同的,这些基因包括几个已知的调节食欲的基因,以及先前与肥胖相关的基因。




原文来源:Obesity and Bariatric Surgery Drive Epigenetic Variation of Spermatozoa in Humans. Cell Metab. 2015 Dec 6.

Obesity is a heritable disorder, with children of obese fathers at higher risk of developing obesity. Environmental factors epigenetically influence somatic tissues, but the contribution of these factors to the establishment of epigenetic patterns in human gametes is unknown. Here, we hypothesized that weight loss remodels the epigenetic signature of spermatozoa in human obesity. Comprehensive profiling of the epigenome of sperm from lean and obese men showed similar histone positioning, but small non-coding RNA expression and DNA methylation patterns were markedly different. In a separate cohort of morbidly obese men, surgery-induced weight loss was associated with a dramatic remodeling of sperm DNA methylation, notably at genetic locations implicated in the central control of appetite. Our data provide evidence that the epigenome of human spermatozoa dynamically changes under environmental pressure and offers insight into how obesity may propagate metabolic dysfunction to the next generation.

外泌体资讯网 肥爸胖儿—想让孩子摆脱胖子的命运么?该减肥了亲

